Videoland Customer support page

Contains: UX Research | Re-design
Skills: Researching | Wireframing | Showcasing |
Internship: RTL/Videoland

During my 6-month internship at Videoland, part of the RTL Group, I led a design project to enhance the help desk page. Through comprehensive user-research, I gained valuable insights into user needs and preferences, which guided my re-design. Presenting the project to the RTL design team, I ensured alignment with their objectives. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, I embraced remote collaboration, showcasing adaptability and strong communication. This internship solidified my passion for user-centered design and media industry aspirations.


The experience of interning at Videoland was truly rewarding. During this time I was able to work with great UX-researchers and designers whom I learned a lot from. It was the first time I had the opportunity to commence a large scale user-research with a budget available. The research results I applied to a re-design that I worked on while regularly checking in with other designers in the team. The internship not only sharpened my technical skills but also taught me the importance of resilience and creativity in tackling challenges during unprecedented times.
