Digital persuasion on Twitch

Contains: Data analysis | Data visualisation | Data structuring |
Skills: Desk research | Data analysis | Argumentation | Digital persuasion patterns |

The goal was to find out how twitch uses online persuasion to keep people watching. I surprisingly really liked this course because my interested shifted to the more psychological and UX part of things.

Twitch is owned by Amazon and funnily enough 2 weeks after I handed in my research, Amazon did everything I recommended not to do. If you would compare the screenshots in my case to the website as it is now, you can clearly see how Twitch shifted away from users friendly content to hooking people to watch as much Twitch as possible.

I think it’s awesome how much influence this has had on me over time. I’m reading a lot on psychology and ethics and try to find a way to show that in my designs.

The documentation you can find here.
