ISCA (Ice Skate Coach Assistant)

Contains: UX/UI | Data visualisation | Data structuring |
Skills: Interviewing | Wire framing | Prototyping |

The goal was making an app for professional ice skaters to make their performances better. The we got assigned to  was called Skate for air. Unfortunately we had a lot of difficulties with the provided research data at the beginning of the project, so our focus switched to ice skaters in general. This gave us the insight that a lot of the ice skating training is still done manually, so we provided a solution: the ISCA app.

With this app, coaches would be able to see their sporters digital round times in real-time and provide a training and recovery schedule based on how that sporter performed that day. The feedback we got on our project was overwhelmingly good for first years students because we provided our own research, made a design solution and made decisions based on our users needs. I did a big deal of this user research and together with my team mate Rick Valkering, we merged that into an UI that I still think it’s pretty awesome. 

You can find the whole documentation here.
