Inspire cycling

Contains: UX/UI | User journeys | AR | Concepting |
Skills: Desk research | Interviews | Observation | Tech research |
Exchange project with KEA Copenhagen

I got the opportunity to work together with students from KEA Copenhagen. This was an international exchange course. The goal was to find a solution for cycling tourist to have a better experience in a city they don’t know.

It was about building a strong concept for our users based on our research. We researched everything there is to know about cycling between Amsterdam and Copenhagen. And we saw how both cities have different solutions for traffic problems

It was very interesting to see how people handle traffic depending on what they are used to. The KEA students felt like they could die cycling in Amsterdam, while we felt like Copenhagen was a little bit too organised. We came up with an AR app for google glasses that will help the user navigate. It also identifies traffic rules depending on your location. You can read the complete documentation here
